With attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder not only can we address your symptoms with supplements and medication management but I can also give you a couple of tips outside that after working with and learning from so many ADD and ADHD patients. It’s kind of a fun area for me to work with in. For example, a lot of times were told we have to do something or that we need to. Well, I can tell you with an ADHD person, we get to change that language a little bit. It’s much better to ask them do you want to do this or if you’re suggesting something, you might suggest it without saying you need to. Hey, how would you like to do this or have you thought about doing this. That is the best way to approach somebody with ADHD and it’s interesting. Even having ADHD yourself, if we get into the language of need to, we kind of get resistant. You don’t need to do anything, but if you want help with mental health, mental illness, or just mental awareness, let me know.