Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut

How many people have heard somewhere on the internet about leaky gut? Well, I’m going to change that word to increased intestinal permeability because that’s the medical word for it. But leaky gut sounds cooler so that’s what they use. When we eat things, have stress and even do high intensity exercises, it increases intestinal permeability. And when it does that, it actually is setting us up for autoimmune disease.

Assessing this can be done through laboratory work. But a lot of times, it can be just done through history and what your symptoms are. There are ways of supporting so-called leaky gut or increase intestinal permeability, both with diet, lifestyle management, and supplements. It’s really important that it gets addressed because it can affect so many other things in the body. Have you heard that your everything stems from you gut? Well that couldn’t be more correct. I see it’s been well-documented in patients that have a lot of more autoimmune diseases that addressing this increased intestinal permeability is extremely important.